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It's The Little Kind Words Talk Show!

Writer: Karyn RossKaryn Ross

November 2, 2021 Episode featuring Alon Joseph

Welcome to this week's episode of The Little Kind Words Talk Show...where we talk about how your little kind words make a huge, positive difference!

This episode's guest: Alon Joseph!

The Little Kind Word that Alon has chosen to talk about? Gratitude!

Thank you, Alon, for helping us make social media - and the world - a little bit of a kinder place!

And…to help us spread some gratitude…please add who and what you are grateful for in the comments! (I’m thankful for all of you who inspire me every day with your efforts to think, speak and act more kindly!)

See you next week for another episode of The Little Kind Words Talk Show!

Until then:

  • Please be kind to yourself!

  • Please be kind to others!

  • Remember that your little kind words make a HUGE positive difference!


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